12 July 2019

Scoring Issues, Part 1

by Trolldemorted

As all of you have witnessed, attack and lost defense points were completely broken for the first few rounds - every flag you lost took defense points from, and every flag you captured gave you attack points for all services.

This happened because some where statements were missing in our database queries:

await _context.SubmittedFlags
    .Where(sf => sf.RoundId > oldSnapshotsRoundId)
    .Include(sf => sf.Flag)
+   .Where(sf => sf.Flag.ServiceId == service.Id)
    .GroupBy(sf => sf.FlagId)
    .Select(g => new { g.Key, Amount = g.Count() })
    .ToDictionaryAsync(g => g.Key);

so every flag was used during the calculation of every service.

We were able to address this issue quickly, and recalculated the points after ENOWARS3 finished.

tags: ENOWARS3 - C# - EnoEngine - Scoring